The New Color For 2017

Color Personality: GreenColor greenery

The Pantone color of the year for 2017 is called Greenery. Described as a zesty yellow-green, Greenery represents springtime renewal and refreshment. If you’re thinking of using green in your décor, you’ll enjoy learning more about the personality of this special color and why Greenery is a great color choice for our time.

With such a dominant role in nature, the color green represents youth, growth and ultimately maturity. Green is often chosen as the color of money and signifies wealth and elegance. In some cultures, it has deeply religious significance. Choose green to promote harmony and well-being.

Green comes in a rich spectrum of shades and tints, serving well as the main color for any décor, or as an accent to other color schemes. With tints of yellow, green grows sunnier and sharper as it does in Greenery. With blue tones, green turns cooler, more alpine. Think of Greenery as nature’s neutral.

Greens are welcome in kitchens and dining rooms, as the most popular produce such as lettuce, limes, and peas are green. Pale greens are calming in bedrooms, and work well with blues and whites in bathrooms. You’ll find that green has a mood-lifting, nourishing effect, no matter which shade you choose.

To introduce green more dramatically, choose a primary green, like the color on stoplights or in emeralds. Green means go, so it can be energizing, but keep in mind that such colors are best used only as accents. Express your healthy vitality by incorporating greens into your home.


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